Invest in a Commercial Safe

If you are a business owner and you don’t think you need a safe then you are likely the very one that can benefit from a commercial safe. At Locksmith Tucker LLC, we have a team of professional locksmiths who install commercial safes, routinely. You may feel that since you have never experienced a break-in before that there is no need for you to have a commercial safe installed. Just because you haven’t had anything stolen or experienced a break-in doesn’t mean that you won’t. If you are a business owner in Tucker, GA then you have a lot to lose, which is why you should invest in a commercial safe. You might have a lot of important paperwork at your business that you need to keep safe. Having it safely stored in a commercial safe is sure to give you peace-of-mind. Even with a file cabinet to keep your paperwork in, you could still experience because file cabinets are easy to compromise. This is why it is suggested that you keep your work in a safe. Since so many businesses are now seeing the importance of having a safe, manufacturers are not making more of them. This means that there is sure to be a safe that will suit your needs. Every business is different and will have different things that they wish to keep safe. A good safe will not just keep important documents out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have access to them but it will also protect them against fire and flood.

Tucker Commercial Locksmith

You may not really give it much consideration until you encounter a problem with someone gaining access to something that they shouldn’t have had access to. This may now put you in a bad situation. Prior to customer information being compromised, you may never have thought about what you need to do to make sure this doesn’t occur. Now that you are forced to think about it, it would be in your best interest to consider having a safe installed. You shouldn’t just purchase any type of safe, purchase a safe that is going to suit your needs.  The best way to ensure that you’re able to protect your interest is by protecting your customer’s information.

Whenever you decide that it is time to buckle down and get serious about investing in a safe, it would be a good idea to at least know what your options are. By consulting with one of our locksmiths, you’ll find out all that you need to know. If you would rather do your own research then why not go online to find out more about the types of commercial safes that are available to you. When you go online you’ll be able to find out which types of safes most businesses are gravitating and which type are available for you to choose from. This information will help you determine which direction you should go when determining the type of safe to invest in.

We don’t want anyone to make the wrong decision when it comes to purchasing the wrong safe and that is why we are letting you know which types of commercial safes you will be able to choose from.

Commercial Safes

  • Multi-user Safe – When you own a business that requires for different people to also have access to important paperwork that is usually locked in a safe, the best type of safe to install is the multi-user safe. This type of safe enables you to allow more than one person to gain access to the safe by providing them with a code.

Read more on: Invest in a Commercial Safe

Security Measures You Need to Take as a Homeowner

No matter how big or small your home is, it undoubtedly is a safe haven for you and your loved ones. Being able to secure your home at the end of the day and know that you are safe is one of the best perks of being a homeowner. To maintain your sense of safety and the security of your property, there are several things you need to pay attention to. Periodically, you will want to evaluate the state of your home security and make any necessary changes. Below you will find some helpful tips and tricks you can use to help keep intruders out of your home and criminal activity as far away as possible.


Tucker Emergency Locksmith

Pay Attention to Your Locks

Locks tend to be resilient. They are able to withstand a certain amount of force in order to prevent tampering and break-ins. However, every lock has a lifespan and should not be used passed its prime. Most deadbolt locks, for example, are only intended to last around 5 to 7 years at the most. Even with proper care, or even professional maintenance every year, your locks are bound to wear down or break at some point.

  • Change Older or Worn Locks

If you know your locks are wearing down or are starting to get up in age, you will want to have them professionally replaced as soon as possible. A good majority of break-ins and robberies occur because certain doors are left unlocked or a lock is easily broken. You can reduce the risk of any kind of robbery or break-in by installing new locks that you know will be difficult, if not impossible, to tamper with.

If your locks still seem to be in good shape or you know for a fact that they are only a couple years old, you should still consider rekeying your locks if you want to increase your security. Unlike a complete lock change, a rekeying only requires that the mechanisms inside of the lock are changed or manipulated. The lock itself remains on the door, but a new key is issued and the old keys become obsolete. This is a good option if you are concerned about your personal security, but do not necessarily need to replace your home locks entirely.


Secure Alternative Entrances

While most homeowners remember to secure the front, side, and back doors to their property, there are other entryways you may neglect or forget about. Any potential point of entry into your home or onto your property could spell danger for you and your loved ones. Pay attention to the alternative entrances listed below to help keep your home secure.

  • Add Gate or Fence Locks

It is unsettling to think that, while someone may not be able to get into your home, they may still be able to wander onto your property. Because you do not want anyone lurking in or around your home, do not forget to seal of fences, gates, and other blockades. Some criminals will find a way onto certain properties by whatever means necessary and hide in the shadows before waiting for the perfect time to strike. To prevent this, always make sure to lock and secure any gates or fences.

  • Secure Windows with Window Locks

Windows are another alternative entrance that criminals will use to gain access to your home.


Read more on: Security Measures You Need to Take as a Homeowner

The Most Commonly Found Lock and Key Types

File Cabinet Tucker LocksmithsIf you took a second out now to stop and look, you would probably be able to find some type of lock not too far from you. You probably also have a set of keys in your pocket or someplace close to you also. Although most people take their keys and locks for granted, we certainly would find life a lot less secure without them. In lieu of that fact, it might be a good idea to take a look at the most commonly found locks and key types. That’s exactly what will be done in this article.


Common Mechanical Locks

  • Keyed locks

It would take about 20 pages to list all of the different types of keyed locking devices that are made. They are by far the most common lock type found in the entire world. All it takes is a matching key to open them. These keys are also very easy to duplicate so the owner can have spare keys. Although other types of keyless and electronic locks are starting to get popular, don’t expect keyed locks to go away completely anytime soon.

  • Deadbolts

Deadbolt locks can be either opened with keys or from knobs on the inside of them. They have proven to be much harder to defeat by lock picking and prying open than other types of keyed locks are. They are often used as secondary locks for added security on many homes and businesses.


Popular Keyless Entry Locks

You are starting to see keyless locks pop up more all over the place these days. They are now commonly found in the entranceway doors of homes and in secure areas of businesses. The trend has even started to take hold in the auto industry. They offer many more conveniences than traditional keyed locks do.

  • Radio Signal/Magnetically Triggered Locks

More keyless locks that are triggered by radio signals or magnetically activated are started to be seen also. You may have used one to get in the front door of a business or for the main entrance of your condo. Locks that receive transponder signals are also examples of these types of locks.


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Locksmith Tucker LLC: Tips to Hire a Good Locksmith

You can’t let just anyone onto your property. You wouldn’t invite just anyone into your home. And this is why you need security! But in order to have adequate security, you need to have a locksmith that you know you can rely on. And in order to find a locksmith you can rely on, there are certain steps to take. If you are curious as to how to hire a good locksmith, you have come to the right place. We want to make sure you get great customer service and are treated like family by whoever you hire. Of course, if you happen to be in our service location, we recommend reaching out to us, but if you are reading from somewhere else, follow the tips listed to hire a good locksmith!

File Cabinet Tucker Locksmiths

How to Find the Best Locksmith


Find a specialized locksmith

A locksmith that is specialized is the way to go. What do we mean by this? They should provide you with variety. Numerous services should be just a phone call away. This way, you can get anything you need, whether you are locked out of your home, or your car key is stuck in the ignition, or you need to have a transponder key copied. Getting everything in one go makes things a whole lot easier. Not to mention, it might cost you less than having to hire multiple people for the job.


Find someone mobile

Locksmiths should offer mobile services, so if you need them to come out to you to install a new lock, or to provide any other service, you can get what you need without an issue.


Find a local locksmith   

This goes hand in hand with the last point. You want to find someone local because this way they will be able to come to your location, and they will be able to get there faster than someone who isn’t nearby – this is a given. Using local businesses often means better service. Perhaps, for example, you don’t have to deal with an automated phone line and instead can get connected to live operators. Try a search for “locksmith near me” if you don’t know anyone in your location, because we are confident that you will find a great locksmith.


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Locksmith Tucker LLC: What to Do When Transponder Key is Lost

Have you had to make a call late in the evening because you lost your car key and were unable to get inside? This is a very frustrating situation to be in, especially if you have somewhere to go. Maybe you worked a late night shift and can’t find your key to get home. Regardless of the situation, it’s important to note that transponder keys, like anything else, do end up lost, and it’s difficult to deal with, but there are solutions. We are going to discuss what to do when your transponder key is lost. Losing your transponder key is hugely frustrating, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t steps you can take to resolve the problem fast. We are going to provide details on what to do when your transponder key is lost. You might even be just reading to try to prepare yourself or to try to prevent the key from ever becoming lost.


Smart Keys Tucker Locksmiths

But let’s start, no matter what, with the basic information you need. We will first explain what transponder keys are and how they work. Transponder keys are a security solution that were made for vehicle owners. They come with new vehicles. Transponder keys use a signal. This signal works in the sense that it connects to the car the key was specifically made to go with. These keys are good because they work as anti-theft features and they are convenient. If you lose your key, you are going to want to have a few things in mind, and maybe even the number of a locksmith in your area. We are Locksmith Tucker LLC in Tucker, GA and we help those who are attempting to get back on the road when a transponder key is lost.

Is your transponder key missing? Here are some steps to take…

First things first, go through your vehicle. Your transponder key could, of all places, be in your vehicle. We have gotten phone calls from people who later found that their key had been kicked by accident into a different section of their car, so they didn’t immediately see it. This same idea applies to checking around the car, too.

Open the handbook. If your transponder key is missing, you might be able to find some answers in the manual for your vehicle. No, the manual won’t be able to track your key, but it might have information regarding programming a new key. It could also outline the steps to take to disable the old key.

If you call a locksmith, have ID ready. If you have lost your transponder key, and you absolutely can’t find it, you are going to need automotive locksmith services. If this is the case, be ready to prove you are the rightful vehicle owner. This is to protect you.


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Locksmith Tucker LLC: Access Control

Emergency Lock Out Tucker LocksmithsAll property owners want to protect what is theirs. Who wouldn’t? Regardless of where your property is, you face the risk of theft, unfortunately. You must protect those who come on to your property, or you can be sued (not to mention, if something goes wrong because of a step you failed to take, you will have to deal with the guilt). You must protect your belongings, too. The best way to do this is to take advantage of appropriate security solutions. One of the popular solutions you can take advantage of through a locksmith is access control. Of course, there are many other solutions at your disposal that you might want to look into, whether you are looking into automotive, commercial or residential security services. But here, we are going to dive into access control and why it is important.

Who are we? We are Locksmith Tucker LLC and we are proud to offer, like many other locksmiths, access control systems to customers. We serve those in and near Tucker, GA. But you might be outside our service area and we still think you will find this information to be useful.


Access Control: What it is/Why it is Important

What is access control and why do you need it? Why is it so important? Are there different types of systems or is it just one that is available? These are all very common questions people have when looking into this type of system. Access control is a security system that allows users such as yourself to control who is able to access or get into a certain part of your property. You might just want to have some say in being able to regulate the individuals able to use certain resources, or you might want to fully restrict who is able to get into a specific room. Thanks to access control, property owners can minimize risks connected with someone getting hurt if they get into a room with chemicals, for instance. You can also reduce the opportunity for theft to occur. And yes, there are different types of systems – they include logical and physical.


Logical Access Control Systems

A logical access control system is one which is focused on data. What does this mean, exactly? How could it benefit you? Basically, this sort of system lets an individual limit connections to computer networks, system files, data, and so on. It’s a good type of access control because it grants you the ability to keep resources confidential and safe.


Physical Access Control Systems

With the help of a physical access control system, you can control access or limit access entirely to specific rooms or locations. This is commonly seen on campuses. There are many reasons as to why one might have this type of system or have an interest in it.


Read more on: Locksmith Tucker LLC: Access Control

Tucker Sandy Springs Locksmith | (770) 872-8045 | Locksmith Tucker LLC – For phenomenal customer service plus competitively priced solutions, choose Locksmith Tucker LLC because we serve Sandy Springs, Georgia. Call when you need:

  • Lock repairs
  • Ignition cylinder replacement
  • Key extraction
  • Auto alarm services
  • Video surveillance
  • Intercom systems
  • Change of locks
  • Installation of new locks
  • Creating and copying keys
  • Keyless remotes
  • Crash bar
  • Emergency lockout assistance

Our rates for services here in Sandy Springs are hard if not impossible to beat. Locksmith Tucker LLC stands out as a business that cares. We would never jeopardize this reputation. Those in Sandy Springs, GA can call at their convenience for locksmith services.


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Tucker Roswell Locksmith | (770) 872-8045 | Locksmith Tucker LLC – Roswell business owners, homeowners, residents, and vehicle drivers that have worked with Locksmith Tucker LLC in the past will be the first to tell you that our services are number one!

No other locksmith in the Roswell area can offer the same low prices for the same great locksmithing services as our technicians. Looking for vehicle locksmithing repairs? We can help! What about home property security needs? We can help with that, too! Even businesses and commercial building owners can take advantage of our great services and low prices. No matter what kind of property security needs you have, Locksmith Tucker LLC is your go-to locksmith service in Roswell.

Here are some examples of the great services we offer our customers:

-Electronic lock installations

-Broken key extractions

-Home, vehicle, and commercial locksmithing services

-24/7 emergency locksmiths on-call

-Free price quotes

-Re-keying requests

-Lockout services

-Home and gun safe installations

-Lock changes

-Free consultations


Watch on YouTube here: Tucker Roswell Locksmith | (770) 872-8045 | Locksmith Tucker LLC

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Tucker Lock Change Locksmith | (770) 872-8045 | Locksmith Tucker LLC – At Locksmith Tucker LLC we have talented locksmiths out serving the lock needs of those in the Tucker, Georgia area every single day of the week.

That includes our regularly scheduled locksmith services and any emergency locksmith needs our Tucker customers need taken care of. We also are very pleased to expertly handle the many home, commercial, and auto locksmith needs of those in Atlanta, Roswell, Decatur, Johns Creek, and Smyrna.

These are among the residential locksmith tasks that we are very good at accomplishing:

  • 24/7 Emergency Residential Locksmith Services
  • Keyless Lock Repairs
  • Window Locks
  • Garage Keypads
  • Gun Safes
  • Key Removal
  • Deadbolts Repaired
  • Lock Changes
  • Safe Unlocking

Those of us at Locksmith Tucker LLC pride ourselves on being the best at what we do in Tucker, GA and the surrounding area. You will find no more complete business, home, and automotive locksmith services in the area. We offer free home and business lock consultations and are always happy to quote any locksmith task before proceeding with the work.


Watch on YouTube here: Tucker Lock Change Locksmith | (770) 872-8045 | Locksmith Tucker LLC

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Tucker Emergency Locksmith | (770) 872-8045 | Locksmith Tucker LLC – Locksmith Tucker LLC carries out 24/7, round the clock locksmith service. This means you can reach us when you need…
– Broken key extraction
– Ignition lock replacement
– 24/7 lockout assistance
– Safe unlocking
– Auto alarm services
– Break in repairs
– Ignition change
– And much more

Broken Key Extraction in Tucker, GA

Is your key stuck? Did you try to gently wiggle it out? You might need broken key extraction. Locksmith Tucker LLC can help by providing this important service. One of the solutions available through our expert team is broken key extraction and we urge you to contact us for help with this.

Tucker – Break-in Repairs

A break in is so overwhelming and it is something no one should ever have to deal with. But when you need them, we are able to provide break in repairs. We will be there for you when you need us, all you have to do is get on the phone with us.

Emergency Lockout, Tucker

Locked out and unable to regain access to your property in Tucker, GA? Do you need an emergency locksmith for a lockout? Locksmith Tucker LLC can offer what you need. Emergency lockouts in Tucker can be dealt with for a competitive price. Just give us a call and we will be there for you.


Watch on YouTube here: Tucker Emergency Locksmith | (770) 872-8045 | Locksmith Tucker LLC

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